Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism

After the Durban conference in South Africa revealed the widespread revival of anti-Semitism, the Jerusalem Center initiated a new program focusing on the relationship between the way Jews were received after the Holocaust in European society and the reemergence of contemporary anti-Semitism on that continent. The program is directed by JCPA Fellow and Steering Committee Chairman Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, and is supported by the family of the late Herbert Berman, a New York Jewish leader, as well as other donations.

Ten separate events - including a conference on "New Aspects and Recurring Motifs in Contemporary Anti-Semitism," with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky and six leading Israeli academics - were held in 2002 as part of this program.

The monthly publication Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism addresses subjects including Holocaust restitution, memory and education, past and present acts of persecution against world Jewry, and anti-Jewish and anti-Israel boycotts, as well as the negative portrayal of Israel in the media. Furthermore, the JCPA has undertaken research and public affairs activities on the moral and financial aspects of the Dutch restitution process.

Publications related to this program include:

Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism:

Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism: Web Publications:

Articles in French:

Other Related Publications:

Book Reviews